Here's Mama
current value: $800
This is an imaginary party I've dreamed up for my Mother, who died in 1980. She could never afford to give parties, but we had those threadbare oriental rugs and a grand piano in the livingroom of my childhood home. I have invited her favorite people: Chopin, Rhett Butler, Heathcliff, Lily Pons, and a couple of Galsworthy's Forsytes. My Dad, always ready to rise when Mama entered a room, is seated with his back to us. Mama never entered a room quietly. Here she makes a flying entrance, interrupting the music, wearing her pink nightie; as usual, a delightful embarrassment. Here's Mama series
image size: 12x12 in.
date created: 1985
1 etchings are available from an edition of 50